
Key Features of WIZnet Chips

Supports TCP/IPv4v6 stack

Supports fast 100/10 Ethernet communication through a hardware-based TCP/IPv4v6 stack (only W6100).

Low-cost IoT application construction

Built-in MACPHY with a TCP/IPv4v6 Stack, enabling the construction of low-cost IoT solutions in conjunction with low-spec embedded systems.

Compatibility with various hardware platforms

Supports convenient development with compatibility with many open-source platform boards, such as Arduino and ARM mbed, Raspberry Pico and etc.

Defacto-standard Ethernet solution

WIZnet's Ethernet solutions have become the defacto-standard on embedded platforms because of the open source projects from various maker communities, such as GitHub.

In a software-based TCP/IP stack,

the embedded system handles all network resources and packet processing.
As a result, network performance is highly dependent on system efficiency and application workload

This highly reduces CPU load, minimizes network complexity,
and ensures consistent transmission speed regardless of network conditions