About Us



We aim to empower developers worldwide by offering stable, efficient, and integrated networking solutions that drive the IoT industry forward.


We are committed to fostering a vast and vibrant ecosystem for IoT development, ensuring that our solutions pave the way for future innovations.


Our values revolve around relentless innovation, customer satisfaction, and community development.

Our Innovations

Pioneering Technology

WIZnet patented the hardwired TCP/IP technology and introduced its first chip to the world in 2001. Since then, our products have empowered over 10 million devices each year.

TOE Chips and iMCU Innovations

Our TOE(TCP/IP Offload Engine) chips and iMCU products enable various applications to benefit from hardwired TCP/IP over software-based TCP/IP due to its superior speed, security, and cost-effectiveness.

Empowering Open Source Hardware

WIZnet is recognized as the 'de facto standard' for Ethernet in IoT—prominently featured in Arduino’s Ethernet Shield and various clones, and more recently with Raspberry Pi’s RP2040 microcontroller.

Empowering Developers

Maker.WIZnet.io is an organic platform with over 5,000 user created contents that serves as a creative space for developers.
Check out and follow us on GitHub, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.

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